Monday, November 5, 2012

Seattle's Traffic Control Boxes Artists 2

Jesse Brown is the artist who designed some of the painted traffic control boxes in Seattle and along with Todd Lown, painted most of them.  Like Todd, I had a great deal of trouble finding any information about him.

At a site called I found the following photo:


However, when viewing the blog, it says it has moved to a new blog site called:

It also says he has the following blog and websites:

At a site called, I found the following information:

Jesse Brown is a multidisciplinary visual artist based in Seattle, WA.
His work has been exhibited at galleries in Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Tokyo, Berlin, London and Paris.

Jesse's work is often an exploration in geometric forms, pattern, typography, shape and repetition which display a very clean, graphic quality. He is known for working in a variety of mediums including drawing, painting, design, typography, sculpture, murals, artist books, installation, video and textile works.

There is a video of Jesse at work along with the other artists,  Kevin Drake, Todd Lown and Zach Rockstadt at The Sign Show on the following site:  This show was put on by pun(c)tuation on August 13, 2011.  They have a website called:

At the following site: 

Of paper and light

"Of Paper And Light"
Installation of paper cut-out sculptures 
with original music to accompany the works.

With these new works, Seattle artist Jesse Brown's shapes and patterns are 
added by taking away. Rather than adding marks to the paper, the cutouts form the image and their absence allows for the interaction with light, 
the works combine drawing of graphic material with three dimensional structure.

This is from a website called:
I did find an email address on one of the above websites and I will be attempting to contact him soon.

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